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Important Message from SHRM

    December 4, 2018

    Hi ,

    My name is Dianna Gould and I am a SHRM Field Services Director in your area. I am a former chapter volunteer and long-time SHRM member. My SHRM membership has been one of the most important resources to help lead me through the world of HR. The HR profession continues to grow more challenging, while becoming more influential. HR professionals like you and I take on the difficult issues that impact people and workplaces every day. Together with members like you, SHRM is leading the transformation of workplaces to benefit businesses, employees and the HR profession. 


    With members like us, SHRM will thrive. Continue to fuel your investment in human resources by renewing your SHRM membership today.


    Use code CHAPTER25 to save $25 when you renew by December 31, 2018.

    Stay connected with our powerful network — more than 300,000 strong.