Professional Development Application & Guidelines
What is Professional Development?
Professional Development is any activity that enhances the professional life of a Human Resources Professional.
I. What types of activities qualify for funding?
Some examples, although not intended to be an exhaustive list, include:
• Seminars/Workshops
• Conferences
• HRCI Certification
• SHRM National Membership
• Higher Education
II. Application Guidelines Click here to download application 
• Preference will be given to those who did not use professional development funds the previous year.
• Credit courses from accredited institutions and non-credit courses will be considered for funding if job related or degree seeking.
• Half the funds for coursework related to professional development and/or leadership will be paid up front, with the balance paid upon completion. For reimbursement, receipts and proof of successful completion must be turned in to the committee within 30 days.
• Funding is NOT available for course materials (texts, study guides, workbooks, etc.). These are considered personal property.
• Applications submitted after the activity is completed will not be considered. Application may be submitted up to 90 days (three months) prior to the activity being proposed.
III. Who is eligible?
• Chapter members and HR Professionals interested in joining the chapter are eligible for the maximum benefit (currently set at $250 per year). The committee may award partial funding, depending on availability of funds.
• Preference will be given to active BH Mountain Chapter members.
Professional Development forms can be downloaded by clicking here or you can have one emailed to you by contacting the current Big Horn Mountain Chapter Secretary, Jennifer McArthur at Completed application forms and support materials must be submitted by e-mail to by the 1st of each month.
·The committee is comprised of the President, Past President, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.
Committee members will review applications monthly to select and award applicants who apply for Development Funds offered by the Chapter. Applicants will be notified following the decision.
To avoid delay in processing your request and in receiving a decision from the Committee, please provide as much detail and supporting cost documentation as possible to the Secretary. With limited funds, the Committee strives to meet the needs of as many applicants as possible.
VI. Examples of criteria that will be used in awarding the money?
·Professional value of request
·Involvement in chapter activities
·Completeness of application
·Timeliness of application
·Availability of funds
·Other available funding sources